Five Minute Friday.

Hey, lovelies.

I'm sorry I've been so absent. I know I say that every time, but really. These last few weeks of the semester are killing me! There's just so much to do in so little time! Oh well, I'm loving and soaking in every last moment of the college experience while I can. Anywho, here's the point of this post! Haha.

Topic: Friend


You know, real friends are hard to come by sometimes.
But I'm so glad I found you.
You are precisely the definition of the word, you see.
You encompass everything a friend should be.

You can tell me my favorite color
And which words I absolutely detest.
You know what dressing I like on my salad
And what I order every time at cookout.

You make me laugh on days when I don't want to smile
And you offer up a shoulder when I simply need to cry.
You hold me together when I fall apart.
You sing back the song to me that's in my heart.

You aren't afraid to dance in the rain.
You are honest, especially when I need it most.
You share my love for music, written words, and people.
And your heart breaks in the same ways that mine does.

We share parts of each other.
Your puzzle piece edges match up with mine.
We no longer are separate things
But rather part of a bigger one.

Thanks for being there for me.
And thanks for walking by my side.
You remind me of the good in the world, and in myself.
I couldn't ask for a better person to share life with.



  1. How great it must be to have a friend who inspires such beautiful words! (Visiting from FMF.)


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