A Neat Little Box...Unpacked.

Do you ever feel like your life is supposed to fit into a neat little box? I do. All the time.

Like you're supposed to have it all together and you are supposed to smile and always be happy and helpful and eat healthy food and exercise the appropriate amounts every day and do yoga and drink green tea and have white teeth and matching eyeliner... well, you get the picture.

I'm so tired of this stinking box. And I'm tired of everyone else having their lives smashed into a stinking box. In case you didn't notice... we are all human.

WHAT?! I know, right? Scary stuff. But it's true. I guarantee if you got the chance to look inside of other people's boxes, you would see that they aren't actually packed of neat little happy things. You'd probably find some boxes so full that they are bursting at the seams. And other boxes surprisingly empty. And some boxes probably have a lot of stuff that just isn't pretty. And some boxes are just trying to keep it together until the next day.

Believe me, people aren't always put together.

I realized recently that part of the reason that I have felt so badly about myself in the past is that I compare my 'behind the scenes' footage to everyone else's 'highlight reel'. Just think about that for a second. I bet you do it, too.

I just wanted to write this little post today to tell you to STOP. For the love of all that is good, PLEASE stop. Stop pretending you have it all together. Stop pushing pain to the sidelines and pretending life is peachy and wonderful. Stop trying so hard. Just STOP.

Instead, try being real. I know, I know. It's so scary at first. It's so hard and you're tempted to grab back everything you've ever said and just run in the opposite direction. It's frightening to think that someone else may have the power to judge you. But it'll be okay, I promise. And you really will feel better. And you'll let others feel better. You never know when someone is trying to keep their box together in front of you when what they really need to do is smash it and scream. Be that person for them. Let them scream. Hold them when they cry and let them know that it's okay. Experience being human. It's an amazing feeling.

And please know that I love you. And that I'm here. I'm always here if you need me.

Trust me, I don't even kind of have my box together.

