Five Minute Friday- Again.

Today's goal: Write for five full minutes, no editing, just raw and real.

Today's topic: Again.


The cold mountain air floods my nostrils and fills my lungs as I step outside. It's so beautiful here, with the fluffy new snow covering the ground and the trees. I wonder if I'll ever get used to the beauty of the place I plan to call home for the next four years.

I definitely hope not.

It's moments like these, with the thrill of snow falling, getting stuck in my hair and eyelashes, that I know I've chosen the right place for me. Watching the earth clean itself is the most brilliant reminder. Sometimes changes can be beautiful. This is especially applicable in my life right now. Sometimes, changes are to be welcomed, because as much as the earth may shudder at the first few snowflakes, in the end it is beautiful. We are beautiful.

Have you ever been outside as snow falls and slowly builds up around you? Then you know that quiet that is unmatched. It is as though the world begins to whisper rather than yell. Everything becomes still and waits with baited breath for what is to come next. Be still and know that I am God. I've never felt Him speak this phrase more clearly.

So today, as I gaze out the window of my tiny little dorm at the snowflakes lazily floating by, I take a moment... Be still and know that I am God... and commune with my Father again.



  1. Be still and know that he is God. Always a good reminder. Thank you.

  2. This is beautiful! I love your line about watching the earth clean itself!I also like the idea that change is rough at first but leads to something beautiful. Such a hard thing to remember but so true! Thank you for sharing your writing!


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