Christmas is a State of Mind.

There's just something about this time of year.

Between the presents and the laughter and the lights and the parties... all of the sudden life looks a little bit softer around the edges.

There is so much cynicism now. People claim that Christmas has become too 'commercialized' and that there is no longer that true joy that lies with the holiday, only stress. But I beg to differ. Have you heard about the anonymous people who are paying other people's layaway gifts at KMart? Or how about the person who put $50,000 into one of the Salvation Army buckets outside of a store? Christmas Spirit is alive and well, all you have to do is look for it. Christmas Spirit is a choice, and one that anyone can make at any time. It doesn't have to be stressful if you don't want it to be... just make it joy-filled. Choose to have your heart be joyful instead of stressed. Believe me, it is possible.

There's something about the season that takes us back to a child-like state. We remember our first Christmas. It was perfect, wasn't it? Santa came and brought you exactly what you asked for, or something that was even better that you didn't think to ask for. Your whole family was there. Everyone was laughing and smiling and the food was delicious. The memory makes you smile right now, doesn't it? And every single year, Christmas time brings back a bit of that magic. That hope that springs from a faith in things unseen. Even as we grew up, and we learned about the happenings of Christmas Eve, somewhere the hope and faith lingered, and that hope is rekindled with the spark of plugging in those Christmas Tree lights.

That's what I love so much about Christmas. For an entire season, I'm reminded of all that matters in this world- God and People. The most amazing gift we could have asked for was delivered 2000 years ago in a stable in Bethlehem. That story never ceases to amaze me. How astounding that the God of all the universe chose to be with us. And now, in order to celebrate His life and the greatest gift of all, we take time out of our everyday lives to cherish those we love most. We buy gifts that show others that they mean a lot to us. We have parties and dinners and gatherings that allow us to enjoy simply doing life together. That's a gift that can't be replaced.

Who says that Christmas isn't what it should be? I challenge that person to look around. Stop, right now, right where you are, and look around. Think of all of the people that love you, and that you love. Think of all of the good that is still left in this world. I challenge you to step back into that child-like faith. Believe again. Show the world that good... that Christmas Spirit... still exists and is thriving today. Be Christmas. Allow that joy to overcome you again. Soak up every moment of the time you spend with those you love, and bury it in your memory treasure chest. Let's let this be the Best Christmas Yet. After all, we have been given the greatest gift of all!

Merry Christmas.

