Five Minute Friday

I'm smiling, breathing, blinking... what more could I ask for?!

I'm cheating. I'll go ahead and tell you. There are two things I want to write about, so I'm doing both. You can choose to read whichever, it doesn't matter to me (:

Today's Topic: New.


New. It's strange to hear this word now, as I prepare myself for a series of goodbyes. That's what Senior year is, after all. A series of lasts... of final chances. In the coming year, I will experience my last time marching onto my home field, my last time conducting the band, my last time sitting in a classroom with those I've grown up with, my last time being a student at the Studio B School of Dance... and so many more. But with these, I will also experience several new things. My first visit to a college campus, my first college application, my first internship, my first diploma. And the prospects of what is to come excite me. I'm excited to see where my life is going to go from here, and what all the future has in store. I'm thrilled to get to soak up one more year of memories with those that have been a part of my life story since the age of five. I'm ready to meet new people, gain new friendships, and have new experiences under my belt. Senior year, I welcome you with open arms. Let's go do this (:


Number 2.


I don't know about you, but I know what it feels like to be broken. All to well I know the ache that comes when you can all but visibly see your heart as a pile of broken shards scattered before you. I know the pain and shame that comes with knowing that you'll never get it put completely back together. The thoughts that run through your head, like "It's impossible, that's for sure. The pieces are far too small, and my hands seem even smaller. What am I going to do..." That feeling is the worst in the world.

But listen to me, dear one. That doesn't have to be the end of the story.

See, all too often I hold onto those pieces with all my might, afraid to let them go. Those broken shards stay within my protection, and all too quickly they wear me down. I can't function without a heart. That's when it hits me, every single time. I must let go. In order to have anything restored, you must take it to someone that has the ability to do so, right? And in order for them to actually restore it, you can't just take it there, and then just walk away with the same thing still in your hands, you must leave it. You must trust that it is in their hands, and that they can handle it.

Sound familiar yet? Keep looking.

That's what God does. He asks us to bring Him our broken pieces. But not only does He want us to bring them, He wants us to leave them. If we trust Him, He will fix it. He will restore what we gave Him, and at no cost at all. He's just waiting on you to take it to Him. He's waiting for you.

He wants to make you new again.


Happy weekend-ing, dear ones!


  1. Visiting from 5 Minute Friday. Very touching words and so very true! God bless you on your new journey in life!

  2. I think your two 'new' posts go really well together! In your new journey it's good to new the Restorer and that he makes all things new. All the best as you journey forth! Visiting from Gypsy Mama.

  3. I liked them both, but the second one touched me more. It's echoing the response to mine (thank you for the kind words by the way). I can tell that we are alike, we write from our raw feelings and situations, and sometimes people don't understand that. Thanks for this beautiful writing.

  4. Hello Sarah: You may be "just your average teenager" but you write like an old soul. Beauty, wisdom, insight, maturity. Thanks for your sweet comment on my 5 Minute Friday post. Blessings to you as you wrap up the old and step into the new things to come.

  5. Sarah, just catching up on your blog. You are SUCH a talented writer, and I just love you to pieces :). Please never stop being you!


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