Twenty-Five Facts (:

I know it's kind of a facebook thing, but I wanted to do my 25 things about me on here instead(:

1. Today in fourth period, I had planned out the majority of what I was going to put on here. And now I've forgotten exactly all of it. Awesome.

2. I'm a completely different person today that I was a year ago. I've learned a lot of lessons, and learned a lot about myself.

3. Apparently I'm easy to read, and no matter how hard I try, I'm not really great at hiding what I'm feeling.

4. Music is as much a part of me as breathing. From making music, conducting, and dancing... it's my life.

5. God is absolutely amazing. I'd be completely and totally lost if he weren't by my side.

6. I'm very OCD about a whole lot of things, especially my school work.

7. I love photography.

8. I want to have six kids one day; two boys and four girls.

9. I have a huge fear of cats. I know, weird. But I'm scared to death of them, and won't stand within fifteen feet of one without flipping out. Don't ask me why, I don't know.

10. Purple is my favorite color. It reminds me of hope, which is one of my favorite words (right up there with 'dream' 'wish' and 'magic')

11. I have trust issues. Actually, there are a total of about 3 people I trust.

12. I've been dancing for 13 years. It's my passion, a constant, my escape, my outlet and I love it more than anything else.

13. I was the Drum Major for the Foard Tiger Band this year, and I can honestly say it's been the most beneficial thing I've ever done. I've learned more about myself in these past few months than I ever knew, and I'm becoming someone completely different. Band is pretty much my life, and the people in it (I count you even if you graduated!) are my family.

14. I'm weird. And I'm pretty sure if anyone took a look inside my mind, I would be sent to a mental institution and not allowed out.

15. I can tend to care too much sometimes. And I wind up getting more hurt than I intended. But I'd rather care too much than not at all I suppose!

16. Pinky promises mean the world to me, and are the most legit promises ever made. Break one, and I will literally not trust you ever again. I'm completely serious.

17. I have no visual artistic talent whatsoever.

18. There are several Doctors offices that I am at so frequently that I'm on a first name basis with all the nursing staff. It's fantastic to be pretty much the only kid that a doctor sees. Everyone automatically loves you! (:

19. I love nicknames. But, until we're tight, lets stick with learning my real name first(:

20. I love hugs, and I hug all the time! It feels weird if I leave one of my friends without hugging them first.

21. Generally I'm a really happy person. I love to smile and laugh, and I usually don't sweat the small stuff. Life's too short to spend so much time upset!

22. I love Dots. Like the candy. They are absolutely fantastic.

23. I love to think. To just sit inside my own head for a while and sift through all of the random bits and pieces that have fallen out of my filing cabinets up there. Again, I told you, I should be put in a mental institution.

24. I am most definitely a summer kinda girl (:

25. I am slowly but surely becoming who I'm meant to be!


  1. <3 You're a special chick, Sarah :) I'm so glad you think you'd be sent to a mental institution if someone could sit inside your brain for a while. That's the surest sign that you're normal ;)


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