Five Minute Friday.

Seriously the only deep breath I have taken this week.
This week being the week before my spring break, It has been full of midterms and long nights and days and I have had like 8 hours of sleep in the span of 4 days.
But I took my last midterm today at 11 and now is the sweetest moment of all because in just a couple of hours... I'm going home.

Home. How amazing that today's prompt would be the word that I have had my sights set on day in and day out as the stress has threatened to do me in!

Without further ado, my lovely readers, here's to today.
Here's to home.


My car is on autopilot from here. It knows what to do without me even trying. I know these roads as well as if they were etched into the backs of my own hands.

Which is saying something, since my sense of direction is -14 on the scale of zero to good.

I roll down the widow despite the chill in the air. It even smells like it. My heart-cup is filling again.
My car turns into the U-shaped driveway with the basketball goal and small well house off to the side. The wrap around porch and red brick are the most welcoming sight I could imagine. But it's not because of the building, the grass, even the little birds nest in the roof-top corner. It's because of what this place means. It's home.

It's where Mom and Dad and sisters and grandmothers and acquired family and friends gather for dinnertimes. It's where hours were spent frustrated on piano bench. It's where sprinkler summer days and hot chocolate snowy nights take place. It's where newspapers hit concrete before eyelids open. It's where the sleepless, tear-filled nights and long, heart-wrenching prayers on hopeless knees are held sacred in their safety. It's where friends that are much more like family come around and take your hand and pull you out of the abyss. It's back roads and dance classes and ball fields and popsicles. It's family. It's fingerprints. Always the fingerprints.

This is home.

I am home.



  1. I am so glad you are home. Enjoy some well-deserved and well-blessed rest. And thanks for writing before taking off!

  2. Hi I am Adrienne, stopping by from FMF. I loved this post, how our hearts long to be home. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.



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