
Have you ever looked at people? I don't mean, like, seen a human being pass by and you glance up as they walk by. I mean, really, truly, looked at people. Have you ever watched the way their faces are when they are busy thinking about a million different things and they are not conscious of their facial expression? Or watched as they drank their tea, and read a book, or listened to music? Have you ever really watched as someone read a text message on their phone that made them smile due to the person that you probably have no idea even exists on the other end saying something that the two of them understand? What about people in doctors offices? The nurses, as they care for others? The doctors, as they evaluate and practice their skill that they have worked tirelessly to develop?Or the patients in the waiting room, the boredom, anticipation, sometimes even anxiety, worry, fear? I love to see the way people's eyes light up with passion, or the way that their hearts beat in their chests and the way their lungs expand. I love to watch people laugh at something I can't quite hear. I love to see people in their breakdowns, too. I love the smeared makeup or the bedhead. I love the defeated being held up by stronger arms.

The thing about people, though, is that you never really know when someone is hiding behind a mask. They may be broken beyond repair and you don't really even notice. Those kinds of people need you. Reach out.

So, yeah. Just rambling. But I just really, really, love to look at people.
People are amazing.



  1. I totally agree, you are definitely amazing.

  2. And every now and then, when you really, truly see someone, you get a chance to say so, to tell them what you see. You get to touch another person's soul in a moment of holy communion. Keep watching, and keep listening to that still, small voice that urges you to reach out. Be blessed, friend.


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