
You are beautiful.
And This one’s for you.
You… The one with big eyes, full of stars.
The dreamer.
The one who searches, hopes, expects, and above all…
The one who loves.
This is for you.
You, my dear one, are beautiful.
The way your eyes shine, and your lungs expand and retract.
The way your wrist extends into your finger tips.
The same finger tips that extend to others when they need a helping hand.
The way your hair falls, and your legs reach out beneath you.
The way your ears are always available to listen when someone needs you.
And The way your arms reach around and give the best, most caring hugs.
You are beautiful.
The way you never give up.
The way you see the best in others,
And the way you are full of second chances.
You are beautiful.
The way you push ahead despite all obstacles.
You are beautiful.
The way you still believe in fairy tales and far off dreams and the way you wear your heart on your sleeve hoping that somehow, someone will see it and say, ‘hey, me too.’
The way you give and give until you have nothing of your own, only pieces and fragments, but you don’t mind because you realize that the more spaces in your stained glass window soul, the more light can come inside.
You are beautiful.
Don’t forget, sweet dreamer, that part of you. Don’t let the world steal it as it tries so hard to make you stop believing.
Don’t let the bitterness steal your joy.
Keep on, love, and never give up.
You are beautiful.
