Today was a good day.
This, however, was a far cry from Thursday's friends: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. No, they weren't bad days. Just not good days. Tuesday even came equipped with a breakdown. In the middle of the school day. Classy, right?! Oh well. Life moves on (:
I really don't have a theme for this post. No witty sayings on the tip of my tongue. I'm not even really aiming at being encouraging. I'm just being me, and making a list of things that I don't really want to forget, but that would be easy to. So, if you care to read: My life, numbered:
1. I have a project due on Tuesday that I just cannot seem to find the motivation to do. It's just an 8-15 minute presentation, but still. I'm really just ready for Christmas break!
2. It hit me the other day that I will be performing in my last ever Holiday concert this coming week. Wow. Time really does fly.
3. I have a tumblr, and I'm addicted, and I'm not sad about that.
4. I have a passion for movement. I never feel as amazing as I do when I am moving. Dancing, walking, conducting, anything. Especially dance, for me, though. I love the way I feel when I dance. It's like the purest form of joy. God honored me with a gift of a body, and in my opinion, dance is a perfect way to celebrate that gift. The things that the human body is able to do amazes me. Just think about all of the millions of cells that have to work together in milliseconds of time just to allow us to function. It's a miracle, and by dancing, I am thanking Him for that miracle. He's given me more than I could have wished for.
5. I love my family. A lot. We're crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
6. Family doesn't just include those related to you. Family is about those that you are connected to at a heart level that cannot be broken. Those that love you regardless of what you may do, and those that are able to sing the song in your heart to you when you think you have forgotten.
7. I know I talk about it a lot, but it's only because it literally is that amazing. I'm in love with Zumba, and the place in which I am blessed enough to be able to attend classes. We have the best instructors in the world, and I love them with all of my heart. They make me want to be a better person. HGF, Hickory Girls Fitness, has literally become a home for me. It's my 'place'. When I'm there, I don't have to be anything. I'm not the Drum Major/Senior/Oldest Dance Member/Beta Club Member/Sunday School Teacher/Daughter/Sister/WhateverElse.... I'm just me, in the simplest form. I don't have to lead, or be in charge, or set an example. I'm a part of something much bigger than myself. And nothing gives me more joy than performing, so the opportunity to be on a stage with people I dearly love is amazing. It's more of a blessing than I could put into words.
8. If you make up your mind, any day has the potential to be a good day. But, you have to be the one to make up your mind. It won't be done for you.
9. Tell people thank you. Tell people you appreciate THEM, not just whatever they may be doing. Tell people that you love them. Tell them that their hair looks nice and that the top they are wearing flatters them well. Tell people that they're worth it.
10. For today, I'm just living. I'm soaking up every last moment I can before life moves on. This is today, and this is me. Love you guys (:
Sweet Sarah- I appreciate you for being YOU! I always think you hair looks nice, the tops you wear flatter you well, and you are most definitely WORTH IT! Love you!