Five Minute Friday

Deep breath... we're here. It's Friday. The weekend at our fingertips, another long stretch behind us. And how I have missed my five-minute Friday's! So, here goes nothing...

Today's topic: Full.


As I slide in between the cool layers of my sheets, I gently open the top drawer of my bedside table. I reach in and my fingers land on the familiar, worn pages of my old journal. Inside those pages are some of the 'pocket moments' I've been collecting over these past few years. (You know that feeling you get when you find something in the pocket of your pants when you put them on? Maybe it's money, or a lost item of some sort? Pocket moments are moments where you get that feeling. They are the moments that make you feel happy, loved, accepted, etc. that you want to keep in my 'pocket' for later. They remind you that life IS good, and that it will get better if things are difficult at the moment.) I read over some of the laughs, the memories, the conversations, the encouraging words... and again I feel full. Those little moments... moments I wouldn't ordinarily remember if I hadn't captured them in that colored ink... each of them serves as a reminder. They remind me that life is beautiful- far too beautiful to even imagine. Slowly but surely, they fill me up again. They remind me that I'm never alone, and that God really has blessed me with amazing people in my life. They remind me that I am loved... and sometimes, that's the most filling thing in the world.


Enjoy your weekend (:
