Proud Daddy

Have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like God did something just for you? It's in those moments -those little things that you know only God would know would make you happy- that some of my sweetest moments have been. In Sunday School, we call many of these moments Godstops. (Let's get a working definition here... a Godstop is any moment when you can trace God's invisible hand in a situation.) I've had quite a few Godstops lately dealing with several different things. But I really only want to talk about one right now.

It's become more and more evident to me lately that God is intimately involved in my life. And when I say "my life", I mean my real life. The life I live every single day. Not my spiritual, religious, church-going life, which is what I think a lot of people see God as. They think He's involved only when we are doing spiritual things. But I really, really believe that is untrue. God is involved in every single thing we do, from making breakfast to working on our next business deal... He's there. The other day before a football game, I was talking to a girl who was upset with one of her parents and told me how she though was never good enough for her mom. I reminded her that she always has a parent there, and she will always be good enough for Him. The rest of the world's opinions don't matter. This really got me thinking about how thankful I am for that fact. That no matter what I'm doing, if it's honoring God, then He's proud of me. I think of Him being like the ultimate parent. He's proud when His child nails the solo, or gets the part in the play, or hits a homerun, or scores a goal, or even marches the entire show without stumbling. He's there, cheering us on on the sidelines, proud. He gave us each our own individual set of talents and gifts, and I know we make Him proud when we use them. Using those talents is a big way to honor Him, whether we think about it or not. So today, think about what you're good at, be it cooking, studying, listening, being a parent, or anything else. You aren't good at it by accident. God made you that way for a very specific reason. He is so involved in our lives, in every single decision we ever make. He knew everything about us before even time began. He created us just the way He wanted us; God doesn't make mistakes. So today, let Him love you. Let him use you exactly as he designed you to be!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9



  1. So true! Know what else is amazing? God is the parent that won't ever be disappointed in us when we majorly blow fact, He even thinks we're great in areas where we know we aren't... I love your posts, Sarah, and i love you!


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