I just get so frustrated sometimes. The things that we as a society have decided to focus on are so dumb, mostly trivial, and not even slightly important in the grand scheme of things. The immaturity of some people just amazes me.
1. What goes through some people's brains when they are speaking? And when they are speaking, do they actually hear what is coming out of their mouths? I mean, honestly people. Saying a four letter word seventeen times in a sentence does not make you even slightly cooler, it just makes you look like an uneducated idiot. If you can't find a better word than that to use, then you should seriously tune in more during the seven hours a day you are at school. There's this thing called a Dictionary. It's full of words other than those, so go find one.
2. I'm sick and tired of people that complain ALL. THE. TIME. Nothing is ever good for them. They are never happy. When you ask them how their day was, it's always just 'well, it was alright...' or 'not very good...' or 'just plain bad.' Now, believe me, I'm not saying that I never complain. I do, and I detest that about myself. I try to avoid it, but I mess up just like everyone else. See, I have absolutely nothing to complain about, and neither do 99% of the people out there doing it anyways. Things could be A LOT worse. And the things that we complain about? Stupid. Juvenile, and will usually pass in a few days. You know what else I've found about complaining? It gets you absolutely no where. You end up feeling worse, sounding dumb, and get absolutely nothing done to make the situation better. Look on the bright side occasionally, people. You might actually find you like life a little bit better.
3. People who are completely self-centered just drive me insane. News Flash: 1. The world doesn't revolve around you. 2. There are worse things than your manicure being messed up. 3. The rules that apply to everyone else? Yeah, they apply to you too. 4. Take your ego, cut it in half, and minus it four points. It's probably still too big for you. I know that's probably a little harsh, but still. There are a billion and some people in this world, and you're only focusing on one? I don't think that's how it's meant to be. Maybe if people would take the time to invest in other people's lives, to put other people's needs before their own, maybe we'd have a better place to live here. Maybe the world wouldn't be so mean.
4. Treat people nicer than necessary. You never know what kind of battle they are facing. There's no excuse for being rude, in my opinion. Everyone in this world is fighting some sort of battle, and sometimes, you would never know. You never know how it's like to live in one persons shoes until you've done it. Unless you are in their head, feeling what they feel, then you don't know what it's like. You don't know how hard someone may have it. They may shoot you a look, or snap at you for something, but always remember that you never know what kind of day they've had, what they have going on in their life, or anything like that. Someone may be facing mountains that you have no idea are even there. So, be nice people. We're all on this ride together, so why not make it a little easier for others when you can?
So, there's my Monday rant. Just think about how amazing the world could be if people lived a life of gratitude & loving others!
I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog now that I know you have one - this post speaks VOLUMES, Sarah. My Mamaw Tessie had a saying that I fully intend to write about at some point. She said, "If you could buy her for what she's worth and sell her for what she _thinks_ she's worth, you'd never have to work again!" :) It's so true! Great post - I'm working on reading the rest!